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The first workshop of the project, entitled 'Leisure and Free Time: Reconnecting with Nature', was held at the Garcia Lorca Park in Granada. The participants first addressed the issue of "how the way of spending leisure time has changed", especially in recent years, and "how we could reconnect with nature". Then the activity culminated with a practical exercise in meditation using the 'mindfulness' technique.  Finally, the session was concluded with a round table discussion, in which participants were able to express their feelings and emotions.



The second workshop dealt with technological consumerism.
During the 2 sessions, the participants were able to appreciate the enormous amount of technology currently being consumed, and the consequences it is having on the environment in particular.
The case of the smartphone was addressed in particular, and participants were able to learn more about its life cycle and what it involves.
Finally, the best practices for better consumption were discussed and then presented, along with tips on how to do this.
To conclude the last session, the participants were invited to create a personal action plan describing the changes they would like to make to their consumption habits.


​The third workshop focused on the textile industry, with the aim of raising participants' awareness of its environmental impact and providing them with keys to understanding the mechanisms of this industry.

Initially, participants were able to discuss their consumption practices and their knowledge of the industry. This discussion formed a common basis for the rest of the presentation.

Next, participants learned to decipher what lies behind the production schemes and workings of these industries, notably through a practical activity in which they put themselves in the shoes of a company. This interactive approach enabled them to understand marketing strategies and industrial practices, offering a more critical and informed view of consumer choices combining environmental and social issues

​The workshop concluded by highlighting the importance of individual action to minimise the environmental impact of textiles. Participants were given ideas for documentary resources to deepen their knowledge and ideas for adopting more responsible consumption practices.



Household and Domestic arrangement 

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During this fourth workshop, participants were invited to rethink their way of consuming athome.

First, the group realized the significant impact of their consuming practices, especiallyconcerning plastics and detergents. Reflexions on wishcycling and on low waste productswere really fruitful. Participants were then allowed to think together of ways to save waterand energy at home, by sharing advice and good practices.

Their new understanding ofenergy efficiency labeling will guide their choices towards an eco-friendly consumption.A focus on sustainable furnishing was made, allowing them to change their vision on thisless-known topic. Lastly, participants were encouraged to share what they learned duringthis session.

Overall, all these discussions allowed the group to develop a deeper understanding of ourdomestic consumption practices. This workshop was a first step towards a more consciousdomestic consumption for all.

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On July 31, 2024, the Marqués de Mondéjar Civic Center hosted an important workshop focused on raising awareness about food waste.

The event covered key strategies for reducing waste in our homes and communities, as well as sustainable practices to make the most of our food resources. Participants had the opportunity to learn about food preservation techniques, meal planning, and the environmental impact of food waste.

We extend our thanks to all attendees and speaker Vicente for their active participation and commitment to a more sustainable future. Together, we are making significant strides toward more conscious and responsible food management.

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